September 29th 2018


Long Island Entrepreneurship Conference

Learned so much passionate, relatable & incredible lessons today at the 1st Annual Long Island Entrepreneurship Conference from Daymond John, Marcus Benjamin, Chef Marc Bynum, Clinton Oh, Sheila Skolnick, Keisha Smith-Jeremie, Patrick Bergin, George Andriopoulos & more.

From the amazing Entrepreneurship Rountable, to the insightful breakout sessions, lunch & learn session I was filled with practical wisdom, motivation, inspiration and tips on how to grow and scale my business. The main speaker was Daymond John and he did a phenomenal job equating what it means to Rise and Grind, How by activating Shark Points you can outgrind the competition and leave your mark.

I loved every minute of it, the networking, the lunch, the learning. I learned how to Defeat the Giants between me and the successful life I want for my business and personal life! If you got to attend LIEC2018 what we're your favorite parts of it? Next year can't come soon enough to enjoy, evolve and level up at LIEC 2019!